راهکارهایی برای یادگیری زبان

صفحه خانگی پارسی یار درباره



Family relations

Father: a male parent

Mother: a female parent

Dad (informal): one"s father

Mum, mummy, mom (informal): one"s mother

Parent: father or mother

Child (Plural Children): a son or daughter of any age

Son: a male child

Daughter: a female child

Brother: a man or boy in relation to other children of his parents

Sister: a woman or girl in relation to other children of her parents

Grandfather (Informal grandpa): the father of one"s father or mother

Paternal grandfather: the father of one"s father

Maternal grandfather: the father of one"s mother

Grandmother (Informal grandma): the mother of one"s father or mother

Paternal grandmother: the mother of one"s father

Maternal grandmother: the mother of one"s mother

Grandson: a boy child of one"s son or daughter

Granddaughter: a girl child of one"s son or daughter

Uncle: the brother of one"s father or mother or the husband of one"s aunt

Aunt: the sister of one"s father or mother or the wife of one"s uncle

Cousin: any child of one"s uncle or aunt

Nephew: a son of one"s brother or sister or of one"s brother-in-law or sister-in-law

Niece: a daughter of one"s brother or sister or of one"s brother-in-law or sister-in-law

Fiancée: a woman to whom a man is engaged to be married

Fiancé: a man to whom a woman is engaged to be married

Bride: a woman on her wedding day or just before and after the event

Bridegroom: a man on his wedding day or just before and after the event

Wife: the woman to whom a particular man is married

Husband: the man to whom a particular woman is married

Spouse: one"s husband or wife

Father-in-law: the father of one"s husband or wife

Mother-in-law: the mother of one"s husband or wife

Sister-in-law: the sister of one"s husband or wife or the wife of one"s brother or brother-in-law

Brother-in-law: the brother of one"s husband or wife or the husband of one"s sister or sister-in-law

Son-in-law: the husband of one"s daughter

Daughter-in-law: the wife of one"s son

Godparent: A person who presents a child at baptism and promises to be responsible for their religious education



فعال دو کلمه ای


1- Fight off                   دور کردن ، دفع کردن

The old lady tried to fight off the wolf with a stick.

2- Flake off               ورقه ورقه شدن ، پوسته پوسته شدن ، ور آمدن

The paints began to flake off in the sunshine.

3- Get off                   پیاده شدن از

Get off at the stop after a town hall.

4- Get off                تبرئه کردن ، از مجازات رهانیدن

Morris might get off if the judge believe his story.

5- Get off                  به خواب رفتن

It took me ages to get off to sleep last night.

6- Give off            بو بیرون دادن ، متصاعد کردن

The mixture was giving off a strange smell.

7- Go off                   فاسد شدن، خراب شدن

Smell this cheese . I think it’s gone off.

8- Go off                     به صدا در آمدن ، زنگ زدن

The fire alarm went off and we all rushed out.

9- Go off          (نسبت به کسی یا چیزی) علاقه را از دست دادن

She went off him when he started smoking.

10- Go off              خاموش شدن ، از کار افتادن


1- Bang about             شلوغ کردن – سروصدا راه انداختن

Meaning: Move in a place making a lot of noise                           

Example: He"s BANGING ABOUT in the kitchen.

2- Bash about                                     استفاده نادرست

Meaning: Mistreat physically

Example: If you BASH your monitor ABOUT like that, it won"t last long.

3- Boss about                                          فرمان دادن       

Meaning: Use excessive authority to control people

Example: She BOSSES everyone ABOUT.

4- Bring about                           باعث شدن – پدید آوردن

Meaning: Make something happen

Example: The changes to the law were BROUGHT ABOUT by the government because so many people were ignoring the old one.

5- Clown about                             مسخره بازی در آوردن

Meaning: Behave stupidly or waste time

Example: The students were CLOWNING ABOUT all lesson.

6- Doss about                                                  خوابیدن

Meaning: Spend time doing very little or being unproductive

Example: I couldn"t get down to my work and DOSSED ABOUT all night.

7- Faff about

Meaning: Behave indecisively

Example: He told her to stop FAFFING ABOUT and make her mind up.

8- Fall about                         از خنده روده بر شدن                                 

Meaning: Laugh a lot

Example: We FELL ABOUT when we heard what she"d done.

9- Fart about                                            وقت تلف کردن

Meaning: Waste time doing silly things

Example: The manager was angry because the staffs were FARTING ABOUT.

10- Fiddle about                          وقت کشی کردن- ور رفتن

Meaning: Waste time doing silly things, or doing things unsuccessfully

Example: We spent the whole afternoon FIDDLING ABOUT with the computer but couldn"t get it to work.

11- Fly about                                              پخش شدن                  

Meaning: Circulate (rumors, etc)

Example: The rumor has been FLYING ABOUT for the past week, but no one has confirmed it

12- Gad about                        پرسه زدن – ولگردی کردن

Meaning: Visit a lot of different places for pleasure

Example: I spent the afternoon GADDING ABOUT in the West End.

13- Get about               این طرف و آن طرف رفتن- راه رفتن          

Meaning: Visit many places

Example: I GET ABOUT a lot with my job- last years I visited eleven countries.

14- Go about                  

Meaning: Deal with something

Example: How should I GO ABOUT telling her the bad news?

15- Hang about                        ول گشتن – پرسه زدن

Meaning: Spend time somewhere not doing much

Example: They HANG ABOUT the station most of the day.

16- Hang about!              

Meaning: Stop what you"re doing and pay attention to me

Example: HANG ABOUT! We"re not allowed to do this.

17- Kick about                       درباره...صحبت کردن

Meaning: Discuss

Example: We KICKED the idea ABOUT at the meeting.

18- Knock about                 کتک زدن – بدرفتاری کردن

Meaning: Beat someone

Example: He KNOCKED his brother ABOUT after they argued.

19- Lark about                      مسخره بازی در آوردن

Meaning: Behave in a silly way

Example: The children made me angry because they were LARKING ABOUT.

20- Mess about                       ور رفتن با- خراب کردن

Meaning: Not be serious, not use something properly

Example: The children were MESSING ABOUT with the TV remote control and broke it.

21- Mooch about                                      ول گشتن

Meaning: Spend time doing little or nothing

Example: I MOOCHED ABOUT the whole afternoon because I didn"t feel like working.
22- Mope about                         بی حوصله چرخیدن


کاربرد حرف تعریفThe

حرف تعریف The

حرف تعریف The همیشه قبل از اسم هایی که برای شنونده شناخته شده هستند استفاده میشود.

در موارد زیر اسم برای شنونده شناخته شده است:

1-     اسمی که قبلا نام آن را برده ایم.

-         I saw a cat yesterday.

-         The cat was fat.

در جمله ی اول استفاده از حرف تعریف a قبل از اسم نشان می دهد که اسم برای شنونده نا آشنا ست ولی در جمله ی دوم شنونده میداند که شما درباره ی گربه ای صحبت میکنید که دیروز دیده اید.

2-     اسمی که بعدأ آن را توصیف می کنیم.

-         John likes the house which I bought last week.

در این جمله اسم house از جمله ی which I bought last week برای شنونده شتاخته شده است.

    3 – اسمی که در جمله ی امری یا خواهشی نام آن برده می شدد.

            - Turn on the radio, please.

            - Please close the door.

علاوه بر موارد یاد شده دیگر کاربردهای The   عبارتند از:

1 – قبل از اوقات مشخص از روز.

in the morning                in the afternoon                  in the evening


2 – قبل از صفات عالی.

the biggest                    the greatest


3 – قبل از آلات موسیقی.

the piano


4 – قبل از کلمه ه ای تئاتر و سینما.

the theater                      the cinema


5 – قبل از اعداد ترتیبی.

the first                          the second


6 – در مواقع بیان مالکیت اشیاء . ( مضاف و مضاف الیه).

the wheels of the car                           the door of the house


7 – قبل از صفاتی که اشاره به یک گروه خاص دارند.

the lion                    the poor                       the rich                  the Indian


8 – قبل از اسامی سیاره ها.

the planet Mercury.                    


9 – قبل از اسامی منحصر به فرد در جهان.

the sun                the moon           the earth                the sky       the pyramids


10 – قبل از نام خانوادگی که به صورت جمع استفاده شده و به دو یا چند نفر از اعضای خانواده اشاره دارد.

the Johnsons                                   the Smiths


11 – قبل از اسامی مرتبط با رسانه ها.

the media                        the radio                   the newspaper


12 – قبل از طبقات اجتماعی .

the middle class               the elite                         the clergy




13 – قبل از اسامی مرتبط با حمل و نقل.

the bus                    the train                     the airplane               the subway


14 – قبل از اسامی روزنامه ها.

the Christian Science monitor           the Manchester Guardian


15 – قبل از گروه های سیاسی.

the Labor party                  the conservative party                 the communist party


16 – قبل از اسامی سازمان ها، موسسات و بنگاه ها.

the United Nations                the Ford Foundation


17 – قبل از عوامل اجرایی دولتی و نظامی.

the Army          the Navy            the air force        the State Militia     the Police


18 – قبل از عنوان های دولتی.

the secretary of state        the prime minister        the king           the mayor


19 – قبل از وقایع یا دوره های تاریخی.

The Middle Ages                         The Civil War                             The Renaissance

                          The First World War

20 – قبل از موقعیت های فیزیکی.

the top               the bottom                the center              the inside    the outside


21 – قبل از اسامی دانشگاه هایی که با حرف اضافه of توصیف شده اند .

the University of Notre Dame           the University Of Michigan

اما              Oxford University


22 – قبل از ساختمان ها.

the Empire State Building               the Coliseum


23 – قبل از اسامی هتل ها.

the Statler Hotel                  the Carlyle Hotel


24 – قبل از اسامی کتابخانه ها و موزه ها.

the Louvre            the Metropolitan Museum                          the Library of Congress


25 – قبل از پل ها ، تونل ها و برج های معروف.

the Brooklyn Bridge                 the Golden Gate Bridge               the Hudson Tunnel


the Eiffel Tower

26 – قبل از اسامی دریاها ، اقیانوس ها و خلیج ها.

the Gulf of Mexico            the Persian Gulf             the red sea      the Indian Ocean


27 – قبل از اسامی رشته کوه ها.

the Rocky Mountains               the Himalaya Mountains

اما              Mount Everest


28 – قبل از مجمع الجزایر.


 the Hawaiian Islands

اما                Coney Island

29 – قبل از جنگل ها ، بیابان ها ،شبه جزیره ها .

 the Sahara Desert           the Black Forest                  the Iberian Peninsula


30 – قبل از جهت های قطب نما ، نواحی جغرافیایی و نقاط کره ی زمین .

the South              the Middle West       the South Pole             The Equator


31 – قبل از اسامی رودخانه های معروف جهان.

the Nile             the Amazon


32 – قبل از اسامی کتب آسمانی یا خیلی مشهور.

the Bible             the Quran


33 – قبل از اسامی کشورهایی که به صورت متحده یا جمهوری اداره می شود.


The United States of America                  the Islamic Republic of Iran